Sunday, October 11, 2020

TV is Awesome Podcast: The Leftovers Discussion S2E1 Axis Mundi

We made it to Season 2, our friends! Axis Mundi, or should we say Just Another (Subtly Manic) Axis Mundi? We're in Miracle, Texas (née Jordan) and things are not as they seem... which is SO  THE LEFTOVERS! Literal cracks in the pavement! But here in Miracle they are not ignored so much as just covered over, but with clear plexi. *shrug emoji* Listen to Ken and Lisa discuss this new setting and our new friends Evie, Michael, Erica and (frenemy?) John... and how much we LOVE REGINA KING. What's up with lady in wedding dress? What's up with goat killer? What's up with bird in box? Girls running in woods? Burning houses down? WHERE DID ALL THE WATER GO? 

Click here to listen!

TV is Awesome Podcast: The Leftovers Discussion Season 2 Episode !

Erica + Nora 4-Eva!

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